Passing of Former First Lady Phyllis Toliver

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope.  We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.

The life of Phyllis Toliver, former First Lady of the District of Columbia, wife of Washington Assembly #151 Faithful Comptroller James Toliver, PSD, will be celebrated on Wednesday, July 29, 2020.  

The specifics are as follows:

DATE: Wednesday, July 29, 2020
LOCATION: St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church 
1029 Monroe Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20017
VIEWING: 9:00am
MASS: 10:00am
CELEBRANT: Rev. Msgr. Raymond East, Pastor, St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church 
FINAL RESTING PLACE: Maryland National Cemetery 

“Be strong and courages. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

In our lifetime, if we are lucky, we come across someone who makes a positive difference in our lives…Phyllis was one of those persons to me. 

Father You have allowed each of us the gift of life but with that comes a price, that price being that it is just a temporary life here on earth.   During that life if we are gifted with family, loved ones and our friends. The most difficult moment of that life comes at the moment when we must leave behind those we love.   At the time you called Phyllis home she had to leave behind her family, her friends and her loved ones, and that is hard for each one who has been left behind with just their memories of Phyllis especially her beloved husband James to whom she dedicated her life and her love.  What we must remember is that Phyllis has now been called to claim the promise of eternal life which is greater than any life we may live here on earth. During their time of grief this is a difficult task to ask of those who loved Phyllis and were not ready to let her go from their lives. We ask that You keep her beloved husband James, her family, friends and loved ones wrapped lovingly and warmly in Your arms and to soothe their now broken hearts in the soothing balm of Your love and grace.  We ask that You shine a bright light upon them at a time when there is much darkness in their home.  Father just as we believe that your Son Jesus died and was brought forth from the grave to live life ever after, so too we believe that Phyllis will be brought forth from the grave to live life ever after.  And according to Your plan she will be reunited in the Kingdom of Heaven to live life everlasting with James and all those whom she has left to mourn her departure.    Amen. 

Praise God from whom all good things flow.

Vivat Jesus!

Amado C Alvarez, Jr., PSD
Navigator, Knights of Columbus
Washington Assembly #151

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